We have created a 51 Most Important Question Bank which will help students in scoring good marks in HSC Board Exams. HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
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After the tremendous success of our past years Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016 and Most Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2017 ,we have created 51 Most likely question for HSC Board 2018.
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Biology Important Question Bank 2018
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of the hair pin model of t-RNA.
- ‘There is a hole in the ozone layer’. What do you understand by this?
- Differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
- With the help of schematic representation explain Kreb’s cycle.
- Give schematic representation of carbon cycle.
- What is ‘biopatent’? Give examples.
- Give the floral adaptations for chiropterophily.
- What is respiratory quotient (RQ)? Why RQ in anaerobic respiration is infinite?
- Describe emasculation and bagging along with a diagram.
- Explain how suspension culture is prepared from callus.
- What is ‘double fertilization’? Describe it with the help of a neat and well labelled diagram. Also state its importance.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram showing steps of PCR.
- Explain replication of bacteriophage with the help of a suitable diagram.
- What is ‘photorespiration’? Explain it with diagrammatic representation.
- Describe characteristics of genetic code.
- Describe the experiment of Hershey and Chase to prove that DNA is the genetic material.
- Describe the ultrastructure of chloroplast. Add a note on the significance of photosynthesis.
- Differentiate between anemophily and entomophily.
- State and explain the ‘Law of independent Assortment’ with a suitable example.
- Define geitonogamy and xenogamy. Give advantages of self-pollination and cross pollination.
- What is tissue culture? Describe the methodology of tissue culture.
- Explain how dichogamy favours cross pollination.
- With the help of a neat and labelled diagram explain VAM (vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae)
- Sketch and label V.S. of mature anatropous ovule.
- What are biocontrol agents? Mention any two groups of biocontrol agents and their hosts.
- Define vegetative propagation. Differentiate between ‘stem tuber’ and ‘tuberous root’.
- Sketch and label seminiferous tubule as seen in the T.S. of testis.
- Write a note on desert adaptions.
- Sketch and label structure of nephron.
- How kidney functions are regulated? Add a note on kidney transplantation.
- Give the economic importance of fisheries.
- With the help of a labelled diagram of lateral view of cerebrum, describe its structure and give any two functions of cerebrum.
- With the help of a chart, explain the method of sex determination in honeybees.
- What is sex linkage? Explain the inheritance of colour blindness and haemophilia with suitable charts.
- Give applications of a vaccine.
- Define ‘evolution’. Give the principles of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Mention any ‘one’ objection to it.
- Enlist the various types of cancer.
- Sketch and label phases in oogenesis.
- Draw a neat and well labelled diagram showing T.S. of ovary and describe the menstrual cycle in human female.
- With the help of diagrammatic representation, explain the process of gametogenesis.
- Describe hypertension. Add a note on angina pectoris.
- Give the economic importance of ‘fisheries’.
- Sketch and label the ‘structure of HIV’.
- Give the adverse effects of opioids, cannabinoids and morphines on human health.
- Describe diagrammatic representation of age structure showing declining population.
- Describe steady population with the help of a pyramid.
- With the help of a well labelled diagram describe the internal structure of human heart.
- Sketch and label ‘L.S. of human kidney’.
- Sketch and label ‘human male reproductive system’.
- Describe the process of budding in hydra.
- With the help of a well labelled diagram describe the internal structure of human heart.
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2018
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics & Statistics
- English
- Economics
- Bookkeeping & Accountancy
- Organisation of Commerce
- Secretarial Practice
- History
- Psychology
- Political Science
- Computer Science
- Geography
- Sociology