We have created a 51 Most Important Question Bank which will help students in scoring good marks in HSC Board Exams. HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
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After the tremendous success of our past years Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016 and Most Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2017 ,we have created 51 Most likely question for HSC Board 2018.

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Psychology Important Question Bank 2018
1. What is an individual test?
2. Family influences on the development of personality. Give Reasons.
3. What is Persuasive Communication?
4. Explain various psychotherapeutic techniques of mental disorder.
5. State the Advantages and disadvantages of participant observation.
6. State the importance of body language in communication.
7. Write a short note on crowding.
8. What is obedience?
9. Listening is equally important as speaking. Give reasons.
10. What is an IQ?
11. Is Phobia a type of anxiety disorder? Explain
12. What is Abnormality? Explain the classification of Mental disorder.
13. What is an Interview?
14. Group polarization leads to risky decision. Give reasons.
15. Explain Stress Management Techniques.
16. Explain major psychological disorder.
17. Feedback plays an important role in communication process. Give reasons.
18. Explain Environmental stress.
19. Write a short note on promoting pro-environmental behavior.
20. Explain Big-Five Factor Model of Personality.
21. What is an Imitation?
22. Explain the trait approach of personality.
23. Verbal Test of Intelligence cannot be given to an illiterate person. Give reasons.
24. Explain the factors influencing personality.
25. Write a short note on strategies for handling prejudice.
26. What qualities a Psychologist should have?
27. Explain the sources of stress.
28. Managing time effective helps to reduce stress. Give reasons.
29. What is instrumental conditioning?
30. Explain the balance theory.
31. Write a short note on history of Intelligence Testing.
32. Explain the dynamics of social influence.
33. What are stages of communication process?
34. What is depression?
35. Does exercise help reduce stress? Give reasons.
36. What is Token economy
37. Give brief information about a test measuring Emotional Intelligence (MSCEIT)
38. Describe Carl Jung’s classification of personality
39. Discuss the natures and information of a group.
40. What is abnormal behaviour? Explain Schizophrenia
41. Explain the General Adaptation syndrome (GAS) theory
42. What is imitation or modelling?
43. Explain the ‘trait approach’ of personality
44. Explain Big – Five factors model of personality
a) Neuroticism b) extraversion c) openness to experience d) agreeableness e) conscientiousness
45. Factors influencing personality-
a) Family b) school c) neighbourhood d) peer group
46. Describe the importance of life skills in promoting positive health and well-being
a) Improving relationships b) self care c) positive attitude d) diet
47. The culture assimilator
48. Kertschmer’s classification of personality
49. Rorschach Inkblot test
50. Ethics of counselling
51. Client centred therapy
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2018