We have created a list of Most Important Question Bank which will help students in scoring good marks in HSC Board Exams. HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
We have also created Free Mock Test of MCQ- Multi Choice Question for students to help them prepare for the exam like scenario.
After the tremendous success of our past years Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016 , 2017, 2018 and 2019 we have also created a list of Most Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2020 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.
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- What is gender inequality? What are the causes of gender inequality?
- What do you understand by the word Dowry? What are the consequence and causes of Dowry?
- What is industrialization? What is the impact of it on India?
- What work Dr Ambedkar did for Indian society?
- How is Caste system changing its institution? Discuss your answer briefly.
- Short note on Arya samaj.
- What is westernization? What are the features of westernization?
- Write a short note on mass media. What are the components of it?
- Write a note on Internet. Write the pros and cons of internet.
- Write the distinction between industrialization and Urbanization.
- Short note on Linguism
- What is globalization? Why is globalization known as social process, give reason to your answer?
- What is social institution? What re the features of social institution?
- What are the problems faced by rural community? What are the measures used to solve them?
- Why is Raja Ram Mohan Roy considered as the father of modern India?
- Short note on Brahma samaj.
- Write briefly about Terrorism..
- What is Privatization? What are the characteristics of privatization?
- Define communication, write the characteristic of communication. What are the types of communication?
- Write a note on family. What are the types of family? What are the characteristics of family?
- Write the problems faced by working women.
- What is privatization? What are the pros and cons of privatization?
- Write short note on regionalism.
- Why is India a secular economy? Give reason.
- What are the characteristics of industraliation?
- What are the impacts of educational and social work done by the Shahu Maharaj?
- Write a note on tribal community.
- At what age a boy and a girl can legally get married in India
- What are the obstacles of national integration?
- What are the problems faced by urban community?
- What are the recent changes in family in India?
- Write the reasons for farmer’s suicide in India.
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2020