We have created Most Important Question Bank which will help students in scoring good marks in HSC Board Exams. HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
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After the tremendous success of our past years Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016 , 2017, 2018 and 2019 we have also created a list of Most Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2020 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.
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Secretarial Practice Important Question Bank 2020
- What are shares? What are the characteristic of shares? Explain the types of shares.
- Define Equity share. What are the features of an equity share?
- Define preference share. Explain the types of preference share.
- Write a short note on Debenture. Explain the types of debenture.
- Write the preliminary steps involved in issuing the shares.
- State the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend.
- What are the difference between final dividend and interim dividend?
- Write a short note on Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS).
- Explain depository system. What is the importance of depository system?
- What are the methods of redemption of debentures?
- Explain capital structure. What are the factors influencing Capital structure?
- Distinguish between Working capital and fixed capital.
- State the role of financial planning.
- Requirement of working capital depends on various factors. How?
- Short notes on Public deposits, retained earnings, dividend, global depository receipt, Bonus issue, right issue and American depository receipt.
- What are the procedures in issuing a share? What is allotment of shares?
- Describe the transfer of shares and transmission of shares. (differences)
- What is share warrant?
- Write the procedure of Dematerialization of securities.
- What are the secretarial duties in issuing securities?
- Short note on unclaimed dividend. What are the provisions of unclaimed dividend?
- What is capital market? What are the types of capital market?
- What are the objectives and functions of Securities and exchange board of India?
- What are the differences between primary and secondary market?
- What are the differences in capital market and money market?
- Distinction between dematerialsation and rematerialisation.
- What is Initial public offer?
- Write a letter of allotment of shares.
- Write a letter to the debenture holder informing him about the redemption of debenture.
- What are the minutes of meeting? What is the importance of minutes?
- Write a letter to the shareholder for issuing bonus shares.
- What are the statutory conditions involved in issuing shares?
- Short note on plough back of money.
- Write the distinction between share and stock.
- What is the subject matter for corresponding with the member?
- Short note on share certificate. What is the content on share certificate?
- What are the different types of report? Explain in detail.
- Explain transmission of shares. What are the reasons of transmission?
- Write a letter to the shareholder informing him about the allotment of shares.
- Write a letter to the shareholder informing him about the declaration of interim dividend.
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2020
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