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Q1. SN2 reactions takes place by inversion of configuration whereas SN1 With racemisation.”Comment on the statement taking as examples.
(a) CH3Cl and OH-
(b) (CH3)3Br and OH
Aiso write necessary equations.
Q2. Explain why Transition elements shows the following properties.
(a) Coloured compounds
(b) Complex compounds
(c) Act as Catalysts
(d) Alloy formation
Q3. Explain the following terms in connection with kinetics of chemical reactions.
(a) Order and Molecularity.
(b) Zero order and pseudo order reactions.
(c) Collision frequency and Effective collisions.
(d) Activation energy and Most probable velocity
Q4. Swiss Chemist Werner was awarded Nobel Prize in 1913 for his contributions in Co-ordination Chemistry.
(a) List down the important postulates of Werner’s Theory of Co- ordination Compounds.
(b) Explain the type of Isomerism observed in the following complexes.
- ‘Polymers’ are industrially important molecules
(i) Write the preparation of Buna-S and Nylon – 66 (2)
(ii) What are biodegradable Polymers ? Give two examples
- What happens when glucose is treated with the following reagents
(i) HI (ii) Bromine water (iii) HNO3 (IV) HCN
- The central metal ion Co3+ (Cobalt) with Co-ordination number 6 can form a series of complexes in which both CI- and NH3 are acting as ligands.
(i) Give the formula of each complex molecule (three molecular)
(ii) Give IVPAC names of the complexes
- Williamsons synthesis is an important method for ether synthesis
a) To synthesize tertiary butyl ether, which of the following regent sets are better ? justify.
(i) CH3 – C1CH3– Br + CH3 ONA
(ii) (CH3)3 C – ONA + CH3 Br
b) Explain the cleavage of C-O in CH3 CH2-OCH3 when treated with HI
- Distinguish between Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber- Neoprene by representing their structure.
- Explain the following related with “Chemistry in everyday life”.
(a) Drugs &Medicines
(b) Agonists & Antagonists
(c) tranquilizers & Analgesics
- (a) “Activity and Selectivity are most important features of solid catalysts.”Explain this giving one example each.
(b) “Most of the life processes are catalysed by Enzymes.”Explain the mechanism of Enzyme catalysis diagrammatically
- Give reason for the following
(a) Nitrogen exhibits +5 oxidation state but does not form penta halides.
(b) Phosphine(PH3) is used in Holme’s signals.
(c) H3PO2 shows reducing behavior.
(d) Group 16 elements show low rate of 1st Ionisation Energy than compared to corresponding periods of Group 15
- Extraction of non- metals mainly involve Redox reactions. Explain the Extraction of Chlorine from Brine solution. Write necessary equations.
(b) Ultra pure Germanium is required for using as semi conductor. Which method is used for refining Germanium? Explain.
- AS2 S3 SOI particles are negatively charged.
(i) What happens when Barium Chloride solution is added to the above SOI ?
(ii)How do you account for the above process ?
(iii) What is the effect of adding Aluminum Chloride instead of Barium Chloride? Justify
- (a) Nitrogen and phosphorus belong to group 15 of the periodic table
(i)Phosphorus can form 2 series of halides of the type PX3 and PX5. Nitrogen does not form Penta halides (N X5) why?
(ii) Name two oxo acids of phosphorus and represent their structures.
(b) (i) Name the compound of phosphorus similar to ammonia
(ii) Suggest a method for preparing the above compound in the laboratory. Write the balanced chemical equation.
- Leaching is a process used for concentration of ore as well as for the extraction of certain metals
a) What is leaching
b) How is pure alumina prepared from bauxite ?
c) Name two metals extracted from leaching
- Write Tests to distinguish between
(i) CH3CHO and CH3 COCH3
(ii) 2 Pentanone and 3 pentanone
- Aliphatic and Aromatic primary amine when warmed with chloroform and alcoholic KOH solution produce a foul smelling compound which is highly poisonous
(i) Write the name of the reaction and represent the reaction.
(ii) An amide on treating with suitable reagents to form an amine with one C-atom less than corresponding amide.
a) Give an example for this reaction
b) Name the reaction
(iii) convert aniline to phenol
- A list of transition metal ions are given.
Ti2+, Sc3+, Cr2+, V2+, Mn2+, Fe2+
(a) Arrange the ions in the increasing order of their magnetic moment
(b) Identify the ions which are colorless. Give reasons.
- Defect are found even in crystals prepared very carefully.
(i) Which stoichiometric defect can cause decrease in density of solid?
(ii) Frenkel defect is not found in Sodium Chloride why?
(iii)KCI crystal is colorless. But on heating it in an atmosphere of Potassium Vapor, it becomes violet in color. Account for this.
- (a) Consider a general reaction aA + bB → cC + dD. The rate expression for the reaction is Rate = K[A]x[B]y
(i) Establish the significance of ‘(a+b)’ and ‘(x+y)’ in terms of order and molecularity
(ii) Write any two differences between order and molecularity.
(b) “Reaction with zero order is possible, but zero molecularity is not”. Justify the statement.
- Sos are colloidal systems in which dispersion medium is liquid and dispersed phase is solid.
(a) Write any four differences between lyophilic sols and lyophobic sols
(b) Peptisation is a method of preparation of sols. Write a general procedure for pepitisation.
- Compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur such as Ammonia, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid are used in fertilizer industry.
(a) Describe Haber process for the manufacture of ammonia
(b) Write the chemical equation for the preparation of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) from orthophosphoric acid (H3PO3)
(c) Describe contact process for the manufacture of sulphuic acid.
- (a) Write any two differences between step growth polymerization and chain growth polymerization.
(b) What are the monomers of the following?
i) Neoperene
ii) Nylon – 6
25. (a) Antibiotic are classified in to broad spectrum antibiotics and narrow spectrum antibiotics. Write one example each for these antibiotics.
- (b) Write one similarity and one difference between antiseptics and disinfectants.
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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