Organization of Commerce and Management
Business Service – TEST (MCQ Maharashtra HSC Board)
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#1. In e-business payments have to be made ______
#2. The term “e-business” is derived from the terms ____ and e-commerce
#3. The transactions under _______ are between business firms and consumers.
#4. The process of contracting a business function to someone else is called as ________
#5. For online transaction __________
#6. The online shopper can pick and drop the things in the ______________
#7. An electronic of transferring funds through the interest is _______ transfer
#8. Credit or Debit cards are popularly know as _______ money
#9. In bigger shops situated in shopping malls or branded stores, there is a _________
#10. Wedding planning is an example of _______
#11. The basic element of the process of ___________ is motive, behavior and goal