What is dichroism?

i. The property by which some doubly refracting crystals absorb the ordinary rays (O-rays) completely and extraordinary rays whose direction is parallel to the optic axis passing through the crystal, is called dichroism. ii. The crystal possessing dichroism property is […]

Explain the applications of Doppler effect of light in astronomical physics.

i. Doppler effect of light is used to determine the radial velocities of distant galaxies. ii. It is used to measure the speed of rotation of the sun. a. The east and west edges of the sun are photographed. Each […]

Explain red and blue shift.

Red shift: When the source is receding away from the observer, then the frequency of light appears to be decreasing or the wavelength of light appears to be increasing to the observer. Therefore, the spectral line gets displaced towards red […]

State the main uses of polaroids.

Uses of Polaroids: i. Polaroids are used in motor car head lights to remove head light glare. ii. Used in three dimensional movie cameras. iii. They are used to produce and analyse polarised light. iv. They are used as filter […]

What is a polaroid?

       A large sheet of synthetic material packed with tiny crystals of a dichroic substance oriented parallel to one another so that it transmits light only in one direction of the electric vector is called a polaroid.   […]

State Brewster’s law.

The tangent of the polarising angle is equal to the refractive index of the refracting medium at which partial reflection takes place. According to Brewster’s law, tan ip = μ  State the main uses of polaroids. For Question and answer […]

Define unpolarised light? Give its symbolic representation.

Unpolarised light: A light in which the vibrations of the electric vectors are in all possible directions, which are perpendicular to the directions of propagation is called as unpolarised light. Symbolic representation of unpolarised light is as shown in figure […]