Biology – Respiration – TEST (Maharashtra HSC Board)
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#1. The ATP molecules produced during glycolysis and acetylation in aerobic respiration including ETS are respectively _____
#2. Mitochondria are regarded as semi-autonomous organelles, due to the presence of _____
#3. The net gain of energy form molecule of glucose in aerobic respiration is ____ ATP
#4. The phase of respiration in which free molecule of O2 is used is called ____
#5. In Kerb’s cycle, the acid which undergoes oxidative decarboxylation is ___
#6. _____ is common for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
#7. The conversion of pyruvate into acetyl CoA is called ____
#8. Glycolysis is also known as _____
#9. Which of following steps generate ATP without ETS _____
#10. In Kreb’s cycle dehydration of substrate occurs _____
#11. During Kreb’s cycle fumaric acid gets converted into malic acid by ___
#12. Electron carriers of oxicative phosphorylation are present on ____
#13. Which of the following is last step on anaerobic respiration ____
#14. In glycolysis, dehydration occurs during the formation of ___
#15. On decarboxylation, Pyruvate gives rise to _____
#16. The correct sequence of electron carriers during ETS is _____
#17. The amount of energy lost in respiration in the form of heat is about _____
#18. In which of the following steps dehydrogenation occurs ____
#19. The only 5-C compound produced in Kerb’s cycle is ____
#20. Each molecule of NADH through ETS yields _____
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