Biology – Photosynthesis – TEST (Maharashtra HSC Board)
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#1. Chlorophyll-a molecule cannot remain in ionized state for more than ____
#2. The stroma of chloroplast contains enzymes required for the reproduction f Co2 into ____
#3. Dark reaction of photosynthesis is _____
#4. In C3 plants, the first product of photosynthesis is ____
#5. In HSK pathway, PEPA and RuBP are ____
#6. CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is between ____
#7. C4 plants are more efficient than C3 plants because ____
#8. During the dark phase of photosynthesis, CO2 is fixed by _____
#9. Which of the following alga was used in the study of photosynthesis _____
#10. ATP and NADPH2 the assiamilatory power for the reduction of Co2 to _______ during the dark reaction of photosunthesis
#11. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes form _____
#12. Which of the following alga shows star shaped chloroplasts ________
#13. Which of the following is not a Chemoautotroph________
#14. Due to photo respiration approximately ____ photosynthetically fixed Co2 is lost
#15. CAM plants are mostly _____
#16. How many photons are required for the evolution of one molecule of o2 during the light reaction of photosynthesis ______
#17. On sixth part of the total PGAL produced is used for the synthesis of ____
#18. Which of the following was used in the study of dark reactions of photosynthesis _____
#19. PS I get the de-energized electrons from _____
#20. Which of the following is not required for Hill reaction _____