Secretarial Practice
Role of a Secretary in Capital Formation – TEST (MCQ Maharashtra HSC Board)
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#1. If share of Rs. 100 is issued at Rs. 110, it is said to be issued at ______
#2. A _______ does not bear the name of its holder.
#3. A company cannot issue bonus shares within the period ______ month form the date of right issue.
#4. Share Warrant can be issued only by ______ company.
#5. A share certificate must be delivered to the shareholder within _______ month of the allotment of shares.
#6. If a share of Rs.10 is issued at Rs. 100, it is said to be issued ________
#7. If a share of Rs. 100 is issued at Rs.90, it is called to be issued ______ of the company.
#8. A share certificate is signed at least ______ directors.
#9. If the shares are not allotted to the applicant, the company sends a letter of ____ to him.
#10. An agent who guarantees purchasing of unsold shares is called _______ .
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