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#1. ___________ is regarded as a primary factor of production.
#2. Capital is an _____________ factor of Production.
#3. The price at which demand and supply equate each other is called ___________ price.
#4. The vertical supply curve represents __________ elasticity.
#5. In the case of Giffen goods the income elasticity of demand is _____________
#6. The central Bank acts as a _________ of cash reserves commercial banks in the country.
#7. In the case of __________ coins, intrinsic value is less then their face value.
#8. The part of income which is not spent on consumption is called_______
#9. GDP(FC) = GDP(MP) – __________
#10. ______ economics studies the problem of inflation in the country.
#11. ______________ is primary function of commercial banks.
#12. ___________ appears in a monopoly market.
#13. When the price rises, there is _______________ of supply.
#14. In case of normal goods the income elasticity of demand is ____________
#15. The Law of demand is based on the law of ______________ supply
#16. When less is purchased at the constant prices, it is called _____________ in demand.
#17. The demand for salt is __________
#18. _____________ is an example of direct tax.
#19. ______________ refers to want – satisfying power of a commodity.
#20. Microeconomics is the study of ____________
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