Biology – Animal Husbandry – TEST (Maharashtra HSC Board)
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#1. The best silk is produced by ____
#2. Which out of the following is not a parasite of the poultry _____
#3. Find the odd one out ____
#4. Which one of the following is not an Indian breed of poultry ____
#5. Which one of the following is viral disease of poultry ____
#6. Find the odd one out _____
#7. Find the odd one out ____
#8. Whose supervision is necessary to keep best health management of farm animals ______
#9. Indian economy is mainly based on _____
#10. Shellac is ____ form of lac
#11. Indian breed of cow is ____
#12. Multiple ovulation embryo transfer technique is used for ____
#13. _____ is the most demanded fish
#14. The common freshwater fish is _____
#15. _____ is the Indian domesticated bee
#16. Mule is outcome of ____
#17. Pullorum is a _____ disease
#18. Bird flu is caused by _____
#19. The best layer chicken is _____
#20. _____ is an exotic breed of cow