Accountancy – Haryana Board – HSC Units Wise Distribution of Marks

Accountancy  – Haryana Board – HSC Units Wise Distribution of Marks

Weight age to Objectives:

Percentage %305020100

Weight age to Form of Questions:

Forms of QuestionEssay TypeShort Answer TypeVery Short Answer TypeTotal
No. of. Question36615
Marks Allotted30240660
Estimated Time755015140

Weight age to Content:

1Accounting not for Profit Organisation15
2Accounting for Partnership10
3Reconstitution of Partnership25
4Dissolution of Partnership firm10

2nd Semester

1Accounting for share capital & debentures18
2Accounting for share capital & debentures16
3Analysis of Financial Statements06
4Analysis of Financial Statements10
5Statement of changes in Financial Position10


1Computerized Accounting10
2Using Computerized Accounting system12
3Using CAS and DBMS08
4Accounting using DBMS15
5Accounting Application of Electronic Spread sheet15

Total                                                                                                                60

Scheme of Sections                                          X X X X

Scheme of Options                                          Option of Internal Choice in essay type Question

Difficulty level                                                 Difficult : __10__ % marks

Average : __50___ % marks

Easy : __ 40___ % mark

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