Sociology HSC Syllabus – Maharashtra HSC Board
Std. 12th
Sociology is a Social Science. There is a difference between Science and Social Science. We live in a society with full of social and natural calamities. It is not in the hands of common man to control the situation. The study of social problems should be without personal bias. The proper applications of scientific principles are necessary. So Sociology is a Science which tackles problems by using Scientific methods. Science asks us to find out the actual sequence of the incidents and their interrelation. Sociology studies the incidents in a systematic way.
In a society we interact with human beings. So it is the duty of Sociology to understand human interactions. Society is united on the basis of Social relationships. Individuals learn the culture and aspects of social life by social processes. This process of socialization changes the raw human being into a social being. A teacher should build a noble person for future society through sociology. He teaches students to behave to be responsible persons with humanity. Education provides various experiences to the students. These experiences set the students to understand society and to adopt social conditions in a desirable manner.
Applied sociology includes various practical uses of Sociology in planning, adjustment with the changing time, preparing welfare programme, removal of illiteracy, corruption, communalization, exploitation etc. The students are expected to study environmental issues, modernization, population education, Sanskritization, globalization with other social factors.
The course prepared for standard XI and XII would certainly serve as a foundation course in Humanities.
- To make students aware about concepts and definitions of society and Sociology.
- To introduce the students about emergence of Sociology its nature, scope and founding fathers.
- To introduce basic concepts of Sociology, along with their characteristics.
- To make students aware of Social stratification and its types.
- To explain different dimensions of Social system in India.
- To introduce base of Social Research with types.
- To introduce Culture with its characteristics features.
- To make students aware about concepts like socialization and re-socialization.
- To introduce various social processes.
- To introduce directions, components and types of social change.
Sociology HSC Syllabus Maharashtra HSC Board
Std:-12th (SOCIOLOGY)
Unit 1 Introduction to Indian Society
A. Formation of Indian Society
1.1 Ancient Period
1.2 Medieval Period
1.3 British Period
1.4 Post Independence Period
B. Segments of Indian Society
1.5 Tribal community – Definition, characteristics, problems and remedies
1.6 Rural Community – Definition, characteristics, problems and remedies
1.7 Urban community – Definition, characteristics, problems and remedies
Unit 2 Social Institutions in India:
(Changing nature)
2.1 Marriage
2.2 Family
2.3 Caste
Unit 3 Major Social Problems in India
3.1 Social Problem – meaning and nature.
3.2 Population problem – causes, consequences of over population, and remedial measures.
3.3 Problems of Women – gender inequality, working women’s problem, dowry, domestic violence (causes and remedies)
3.4 Farmer’s suicide – causes and remedial measures
Unit 4 National Integration
4.1 Meaning and need of National Integration.
4.2 Unity in Diversity.
4.3 Obstacles to National Integration.
4.4 Measures to promote National Integration.
Unit 5 Social Change in India
5.1 Industrialization: Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian Society
5.2 Urbanization: Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian Society
5.3 Westernization: Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian Society
5.4 Modernization: Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian Society
5.5 Democratization: Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian Society
Unit 6 Social reformers in India
(Contribution of Social Reformers:-Social and Educational work and its Impact on Indian Society)
6.1 Raja RamMohan Roy
6.2 Swami Dayanand Saraswati
6.3 Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
6.4 Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj
6.5 Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Unit 7 Globalization and Mass Media
7.1 Globalization – Meaning, Characteristics and impact on Indian society.
7.2 Mass Media – Meaning and components (Newspapers, Radio, TV, Movies, Computer and Internet)
7.3 Impact of mass media on Indian Society.
Unit-8:- Project Work (20 Marks)
Project work has been newly included in the Standard XII Sociology Syllabus as per the new guidelines.
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