History – The History Teacher and The Methods of Teaching History   – TEST (MCQs Maharashtra HSC Board)

Applied History – The History Teacher and The Methods of Teaching History  – TEST (MCQ Maharashtra 12th Board)

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#1. The required qualification for higher secondary teacher is _____

#2. The origin of the project method is found in the work of ____

#3. The acquired knowledge of question method was adopted by ____

#4. We find the origin of constructivism in the thought of _____

#5. The national policy on education have ___ core units

#6. The essential quality of ___ is needed for a history teacher.

#7. The role of the teacher is of ___-

#8. Father of project method was ____

#9. Effective method of teaching adopted since ancient time was ____

#10. Creation of nation is ___

#11. “Teaching is the supreme art to create knowledge realization ‘ says _____

#12. Contribution for the development of constructivism was of _____


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