Economics – HSC (MSBSHSE Class XII) for Maharashtra Board Paper Pattern

Economics – HSC (MSBSHSE Class XII) for Maharashtra Board Paper Pattern

Time : 3 Hrs                                                                                                       Marks : 80

Q.1 (A) Select the correct answer forms the possible options given below and rewrites the statements: (5 Marks)

(B) Match the correct Pairs: (5 Marks)

(C) State whether the following statements are True or False: (6 Marks)

Q.2 (A) Define or explain the following concepts: (Attempt any Three): (6 Marks)

(B) Give Reasons or Explain the Statements: (Attempt any Three): (6 Marks)

Q.3 (A) Distinguish Between: (Attempt any Three): (6 Marks)

(B) Write Short Notes: (Attempt any Two): (6 Marks)

Q.4 Answer the following questions: (Attempt any Three): (12 Marks)

Q.5 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Give reasons (Attempt any three): (12 Marks)

Q.6 Answer in Detail: (Attempt Any Two): (16 Marks)

Total Marks                  =              80

Scheme of EvaluationMarks
1.Written Examination80
2.Project Preparation (with Viva)20

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