English Grammar – Noun Example MCQs TEST – Maharashtra HSC Board
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#1. School stared early.
#2. Close the gate.
#3. The doctor worked fast.
#4. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality.
#5. Which words are abstract nouns?
#6. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.
#7. The dog barked loudly.
#8. The car moved fast.
#9. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.
#10. In which sentence are all common and proper nouns written correctly?
#11. The man was tall.
#12. The Trojans’ rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.
#13. Mastering basic mathematics in an important goal for younger students.
#14. Joe, have you met your new boss?
#15. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone.
#16. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.
#17. Which are examples of nouns?
#18. The girl was happy.
#19. What is a collective noun?
#20. Sue’s parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.