TBSE SSC Board Result 2016 (X) 10th Std Results 2016 – Tripura Board today 2nd June 2016 on official website tsn.trp.nic.in
About Tripura Board
Before 1976, all the High and Higher Secondary Schools of Tripura were affiliated under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and the students of Tripura had to appear at the School Final and Higher Secondary Examinations conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
It was in 1976 that the Tripura Board of Secondary Education conducted its first Public Examinations – School Final Examination [old system], Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) [new system], and Higher Secondary Examination [old system]. Subsequently, Higher Secondary (+2 stage) Examination [new system] was introduced in 1978.
With the abolition of old courses, the Tripura Board of Secondary Education now conducts 2(two) major Public Examinations — Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) and Higher Secondary (+2 stage) [ both General and Vocational courses ] Examination since 1981. With the passage of time, the core curricula were also changed from time to time and ultimately adopted the syllabi as per NCF, 2000 guidelines from 2006. The Syllabi and Question Pattern as per guidelines of NCF, 2005 are under active consideration of the Board.
You can check your results on websites:
To check your results online, once they are declared, follow these simple steps:
- Open any of the 2 site mentioned above.
- Click on the area which says “results”
- Click on the area which says “SSC Tripura results 2016” or “10th Class Result 2016”
- Enter your roll number
our results will be on your screen. Ensure you take a printout.