Explain in brief the different types of e‐business transactions.

Answer: Different types of e‐Business Transactions.  e‐business means using the internet to connect people and processes for doing business. It also includes providing service to customers and collaborating with business partners across the globe. The various types of e‐business transactions are as […]

Define “e‐commerce”.

Answer: Definitional of e-Commerce. “Electronic‐commerce” or “e‐commerce” can be defined as the use of Internet to conduct business transactions.e‐commerce helps the buyers and sellers to connect over the internet and trade with each other. Any form of business transaction conducted electronically is e‐commerce. […]

Concept of e‐Business.

Answer: Concept of e-Business. e‐business means using the internet to connect people and processes. It also includes providing service to customers and collaborating with business partners across the globe. e‐business connects, adapts and integrates IT‐system, hence companies are able to manage their business […]