HSC Board Class XII Chemistry Previous year Paper March 2014- of Maharashtra Board For More Chemistry Previous year Paper Click Here
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Distinguish between crystalline solids and amorphous solids Property Crystalline solids Amorphous solids 1. Shape They have definite characteristic geometrical shape due to the orderly regular long range arrangement of constituent particles. They have irregular shape and lack characteristic geometrical shape […]
unit cell i. A unit cell is the smallest repeating structural unit of a crystalline solid. A crystalline solid can be obtained by repeating the unit cells (of the same crystalline substance) in space in all directions. ii. The lines […]
Diamond: a. Diamond is an allotrope of carbon. It is used in jewellery and is the most precious crystal. b. Covalent bonds between sp3 hybridized carbon atoms continue in all directions to form a giant network. c. Diamond is very […]
Answer: Depending upon the nature of intermolecular forces present in the constituent particles, crystalline solids are classified into the following four classes: i. Molecular solids ii. Ionic solids iii. Metallic solids iv. Covalent solids Explanation: Molecular solids: a. Molecular solids […]
Answer : i. Crystalline solids: a. A crystalline solid usually consists of a large number of small crystals, each of them having a definite characteristic geometrical shape. These tiny crystals are called unit cells. b. A unit cell is a […]
Answer: Solids are classified as crystalline and amorphous on the basis of the presence or absence of orderly arrangement of their constituent particles (atoms, ions or molecules). i. Crystalline solids: A crystalline solid is a homogeneous solid in which the […]