Secretarial Practice – March 2017 – Maharashtra – HSC Exam Board Paper
Secretarial Practice is theory subject. It is difficult to score marks in theory subjects. But there’s a saying that “Practice makes man perfect”. I would suggest all students to practice more and more as possible until you are thorough with all the topics of the subject to score good marks in exams. Secretarial Practice paper consists of 80 marks.Students are given 3 hours to complete the paper.
The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education , conducts the HSC Board Examinations in the state of Maharashtra. We have posted large database of Previous Board Papers for references of students. Students can get a better understanding of paper pattern by going through this past papers. Solving past 10 years papers will also help students in preparing for exam like scenarios and help them secure good marks in exam.
Past Paper, Previous year Question Paper, March, July & October Question Paper.