HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
We have also created Free Mock Test of MCQ- Multi Choice Question for students to help them prepare for the exam like scenario.
After the tremendous success of our last year Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016, we have also created a list of Most Important Question Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2017 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.

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Secretarial Practice (S.P.) Important Question Bank 2017
Q1. What is Dematerialization of Shares? Explain the procedure for Dematerialization.
Q2. Define Minutes
Q3. What are Equity Shares? Explain the features of Equity/ordinary shares
Q4. Prepare a letter for payment of interest to the depositor
Q5. Explain the procedure for the issue of debentures.
Q6. What is Deposit? Explain the important provisions in the Companies Act pertaining to the deposits.
Q7. Explain the role of company secretary in maintaining statutory books, filling forms and returns.
Q8. Write a letter to a shareholder for issue of Bonus shares
Q9. Explain the Books of Accounts to be maintained by a company and the legal requirement with respect to the same.
Q10. Define the term Debentures and explain the procedure for issue of Debentures
Q11. What is public deposits? Explain the important provision as per companies act regarding public deposits.
Q12. Draft Form No. 29. Which is about consent to act as a Director of a company and undertaking to purchase qualification shares
Q13. Define ‘Share’. Explain various types of shares.
Q14. Draft a call letter informing a shareholder about call on shares.
Q15. Draft a letter to a depositor informing him about payment of interest.
Q16. Define preference share. Explain the features of preference shares
Q17. Draft a letter of forfeiture to a member of the X-Y-Z company limited, Mumbai
Q18. Draft a letter of allotment of shares to the shareholder
Q19. What are the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend?
Q20. What are the points to be borne in mind by the secretary while writing letter to the members?
- Capital structure and its components
- Share warrant.
- Types of debentures
- Repayment of public deposits
- Constituents and concepts I depository system
- Trade credit
- Procedure for conversion of debentures
- Bonus shares
- Renewal of deposits
- Importance of financial planning
- Share certificate
- Methods of redemption of debentures.
- Ploughing back of profit
- Invitation of deposits
- Essentials of good report writing
- Final Dividend
- Legal provisions related to conversion of debentures.
- State the importance of reports
- Explain the secretarial duties regarding distribution of dividend
- Importance of SEBI.
- Share Certificate and share warrant
- Annual report and committee report
- Shareholders and debenture holders
- Letter of Allotment and letter of regret
- Call letter and letter of forfeiture
- Final Dividend and Interim Dividend
- Transfer of Shares and Transmission of Shares
- Progress report and committee report
- Interim dividend and Final Dividend
- Transfer of share and Transmission of shares
- Committee report and progress report
- Interim dividend and Final dividend
- Forfeiture of shares and surrender of shares
- Annual report and progress report
- Share and stock
- Dividend and interest
- Primary market and secondary market
- Money market and capital market
- Fixed capital and working capital
- Dematerialization and Re – materialization
Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2017
will it do if we study only these answers for boards exam
Sir plz can give the 2017 hsc science question bank
for physics: https://hsc.co.in/physics-important-question-bank-for-maharashtra-hsc-board-exam-2017/
for chemistry: https://hsc.co.in/chemistry-important-questions-bank-for-maharashtra-hsc-board-exam-2017/
rashika can u plz send the link of the papers
u can get all Previous Year Board papers https://hsc.co.in/maharashtra-board-hsc-past-papers/