Check for 12th HSC Results 2016 10+2 Exam Results 2016 Declared Today 14/05/2016 at 11 AM for Check  PSEB 12th HSC Results 2016: Punjab Board PSEB 10+2 Exam Result to be declared today at 11 AM

You can check your results on websites:


To check your results online, once they are declared, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open either of the 2 sites mentioned above.
  2. Click on the area which says “results”
  3. Click on the area which says “HSC PSEB results 2016” or “12th Class Result 2016”
  4. Enter your roll number

Your results will be on your screen. Ensure you take a printout

Get your HSC Result delivered directly in your email or mobile

Dear Students, Fill up the below form to get your Punjab HSC class 12th std (10+2) Result 2016 directly delivered to you in your email id or in your Whatsapp mobile number.


To check your results online, once they are declared, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open either of the 2 sites mentioned above.
  2. Click on the area which says “results”
  3. Click on the area which says “HSC PSEB results 2016” or “12th Class Result 2016”
  4. Enter your roll number

Your results will be on your screen. Ensure you take a printout


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