Physics – Important Questions Bank for Telangana Board HSC 2016 Examination
We had mentioned some tips for cracking the HSC Telangana Board exam here: HSC Study Tips to Crack HSC Exams.
We had also shared Important Questions Bank for HSC Examination 2016 and students have really appreciated it and showered us with love last year.
Today, we are posting the Physics – Important Questions Bank for Telangana Board HSC 2016 Examination to make life easy for all you HSC students.
Without making you wait any further, please find the questions below:
- Discuss the origin and properties of different kinds of Spectra ?
- Describe the construction and working of a compound microscope with a neat diagram. Derive the expression for its magnification.
- Describe the construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer. Obtain the relation between current and deflection of the coil. The resistance of M.C.G is 5W. The maximum current it can measure is 0.015A. How would you convert it into voltmeter to measure 1.5 volts?
- Describe how it is used to determine the specific resistance of the material of the given wire.
- A known resistance of 15 Ù is connected in the left gap and an unknown resistance in the right gap of a Metre – Bridge. When the bridge is balanced, balancing length is found to be 60 cm. Find the unknown resistance.
- State Bohr’s Postulates. Derive the expression for the radius of the first orbit in a Hydrogen atom. Radius of the first orbit of a Hydrogen atom is 5.3 x 10-11m. What are the radii of the n2 and n3 orbits?
- State law of conservation of energy and prove it in the case of a freely falling body. If V = 3i + 4i + 5i ms-1, is the instantaneous velocity of a body of mass 1.5 kg, calculate its kinetic energy.
- Explain the phenomenon of ‘Beats’ Two turning forks give 4 beats per second when sounded simultaneously. The frequency of one of the tuning forks is 384 Hz.
- Explain the principle of Transistor
- Describe how a transistor can be used as an amplifier (common emitter mode)
- Calculate the current amplification factor (â) when change in collector current is 0.5 m A for a change in base current of 10i
- When the other fork is loaded with wax, six beats per second are produced. What is the frequency of the second fork ?
- Draw the diagram of a Ramsden eyepiece and explain its working
- How do you account for the appearance of bright and dark bands in the Yo ung’s Double Slit experiment ? Give the relevant formulae.
- How are the magnetic moments of two short bar magnets compared by equal distance method in Tan A position ? Two bar magnets are arranged one after the other in Tan A position at equal distances. If they produced deflections of 30o and 60o with the needle, find the ratio of their magnetic moments.
- Three capacitors of capacitance 2 ìF, 4 ìF and 6 ìF are connected in parallel and a p.d. of 12 v is applied calculate the charge on each capacitor.
- Explain how a moving coil galvanometer can be converted into(a) a Voltmeter and (b) an Ammeter.
- What is Mosley’s law ? Explain briefly its importance.
- What is Nuclear Fission ? How is it different from Nuclear Fusion ?
- A stone is dropped from a height of 300m and at the same another stone is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 100ms-1.Find when and where the two stones meet?
- State parallelogram law of vector addition and derive an expression for it magnitude.
- Show that two equal masses undergo oblique elastic collision will move at right angles to each other after collision.
- Obtain an expression for the acceleration of a body moving down a rough inclined plane.
- Define Doppler effect. Derive the expression for apparent frequency when the source is in motion and observer is at rest.
- Explain polarization by refraction
- Derive an expression for magnetic field induction on the equatorial line of a bar magnet.
- Derive an expression for the equivalent capacity when capacitors are connected in series.
- Derive the balancing condition of a Wheatstone bridge.
- Explain the working of a Nuclear Reactor with the help of a labelled diagram.
- The balance point in metre bridge experiment is obtained at 30 cm from the left. If the right gap contains 3.5 W, what is the resistance in the left gap
- Describe how a Semi-Conductor diode is used as a half wave rectifier.
- State and prove parallel axes theorem.
- What is escape velocity? Obtain an expression for it.
- Define the coefficients of real expansion and apparent expansion of liquid. Establish a relation between them?
- Define two molar specific heats of gas , and deduce the relation between them.
- Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity.
- What are the theoretical and practical limits of Poisson’s ratio?
- Write the expression for electric intensity due to an infinite plane sheet of charge.
- On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depends ?
- Draw the circuit symbols of P-N-P and N-P-N transistors
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Don’t forget to read: MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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