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Q1. When light of 5000 Å wavelength falls on a metal surface, ejected photoelectron are found to have a maximum velocity of 6x 105 m/s. Determine the work function in EV and threshold frequency for the surface if h=6.6×10-34 js.
Q2. A monochromatic light of wave length 500 nm falls normally on the double slit of young ‘s double slit experiment with slit separation of 0.5 mm one slit is covered with non –absorbing glass plates of thickness 1.5 µm and refractive index 1.5, Determine
(i) Extra optical path introduced by the glass plate
(ii) Intensity at the centre of the screen if the screen is at a distance of 1.0 m from slits
Q3. The minimum angular magnification of an astronomical telescope is 10 X. The focal length of objective
Q4. The critical angle of prism is 30˚ with air .The angle of prism is 60˚. Determine the range of angle of incidences for which emergent ray is obtained.
Q5. The total energy in an L –c – circuit converts from electrical to magnetic in 2µS Calculates the frequency of L-c- oscillation
Q6. The apparent dip is 25˚ in a plane making 30˚ with magnetic meridian. What is the real dip at that pace? (tan 25˚ = 0.47)
Q7. Two inductors each of L=10mH, are connected in parallel but are well separated. Evaluate the effective inductance of configuration.
Q8. The area of a coil is 500 cm2 and number of turns is 1000. It is placed is a magnetic field of induction 4X10-5 T .If it is turned by 180˚. Calculate the change is magnetic flux
Q9. Determine the resistance between two ends of the conductor, if the difference between R and r is very small.
Q10. Two small identical electric dipoles AB and CD each of dipole moment p are kept at an angle of 120˚ as shown in the figure. What is the resultant dipole moment of this combination? If this system is subjected to electric field (E) directed along +ve X- axis. What will be the magnitude and direction of the torque acting on it
Q11. Two 200 gram pith balls are suspended from a point through two strings of equal length 50 cm. When equal charges are given on the balls, they are repelled and gets separated by 4 cm estimate the charge on each ball.
Q12. What do you understand by terms “average value”, “ r.m.s. value”, “virtual value” and maximum value of an alternating current. Find expression for them
Q13. Explain an factors induced e.m.f. is a coil rotating is a uniform magnetic field depends. Explain why there is sparking when an electric circuit is broken but not it is made.
Q14. State and prove Gauss’s theorem is electrostatics
Q15. State Gauss’s theorem is electrostatic. Apply it to find the electric fields strength
(i) near an infinite plane sheet of change or
(ii) at a point due to an infinitely long thin uniformly changed straight wire of linear change density.
Q16. Find an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K and thickness t=d/2 but of same area as that of plates is inserted between the plates of the capacitor. (d=separation b/w plates)
Q17. Define electric field intensity at a point and find its value at a point due to an electric pole when point is Axial or equatorial
Q18. State principle of superposition and its importance calculate electrostatic force and a point charge due to different types of continuous charge distribution.
Q19. Why is a potentiometer preferred our a voltmeter to measure emf of a cell? How can a galvanometer be converted into an ammeter of a voltmeter.
Q20. Define polarization Show that it is numerically equal to induced surface density of charge. What is the relation between polarization vector and the resultant electric field in the dielectric?
Q21. What ares polar and a non-polar molecules? Give two examples of each type. What do you mean by polarization of the medium?
Q22. Define conductance of a material
Q23. What is the effect of temperature rise on resistivity of a metal?
Q24. What is the relation between current and drift velocity?
Q25. What is the resistance of an ideal voltmeter?
Q26. What is electromagnetic damping?
Q27. Can a transformer be used to step – up DC voltage?
Q28. Define RMS value of alternating current
Q29. How many time in a second will current be reversed for a 50 Hz AC source?
Q30. Write expression of reactance of a capacitor
Q31. What is the impedance of a coil having resistance 3 Ohms and reactance 4 Ohms?
Q32. Give the name of some antibiotics. An alternating voltage E=E0 sin wt is applied across an inductor
Q 33. Define electric dipole moment in terms of charge
good sait
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