HSC Board Exam Time Table 2015 – Maharashtra

HSC Board Exam Time Table 2015 – Maharashtra

Maharashtra Board HSC 2015 Examination is scheduled between  February 21 and March 26, 2015.

Below is the full time table.

This year, 14 lakh students are going to take the HSC board exam.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we will reply as quickly as possible.

2 thoughts on “HSC Board Exam Time Table 2015 – Maharashtra”

  1. SIR
    in the solutions provided by coaching sites/institutes for chemistry hsc maharashtra exam 2015,in section 1 question 4,part 2 numerical ,the question has been solved using the formula e cell=e cell’-0.0592/n(logQ). according to the hsc textbook this formula can only be used when the temperature is 25 degree celsius.but in the question the temperature is 28 degree celsius.so we will have to use the general formula given in the hsc textbook which is 2.303rt/nf(logQ).this formula will give a different answer.since hsc exams strictly check final answer, this will create a difference.

    hence can you please confirm the final method and tell if this could be a bonus question?

    thank you.

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