In our previous post at : HSC Study Tips to Crack HSC Exams , we had mentioned some tips for cracking the HSC Maharashtra board English exam, which I have recapped below :
How to study English ?
• Focus on the grammar part
• Choose a good reference book.
• Read from the prescribed book or from the solved papers.
• Work on your time management skills. You do not want to run out of time due to a lengthy paper
• Watch English movies, English books, English novels and English newspapers.
•Practice writing in English and note down your mistakes and work more on your mistakes
Since english is one of the most dreaded subject for HSC students, we decided to give you some last minute tips to score some easy marks.
1.) In the summary section, you get 1 mark out of 5 for just putting a title. So just put any simple title and voila, you have scored atleast 1 our of the 5 marks. For the rest 4 marks, do not copy paste the same thing but write it in your own words and you are sure to score well.
2.) In the comprehension section, write only 1 sentence for 1 mark questions. Why waste time writing more when 1 sentence is enough to score full marks?
3.) For the tree diagram, use only pencil to draw the branches. However you can use a pen inside the box, but make sure you are writing in capital letters only.
4.) ‘Tourist Leaflet’ section will get you one mark for just drawing a text box and writing within that. However, if you miss the text box, you may lose a mark. Within the text box, write in bullet points only.
Remember, English is a lengthy paper so your focus must be to finish the paper on time and not leave any section unanswered.
Today, we are going to share important questions bank that you must definitely go through before you take the English paper tomorrow.
1.) Solve all writing skill related exercise from textbook.
2.) Solve all grammar related exercise from textbook.
3.) That’s it. You will score well if you just do the above 2 !
If you want to cover the subject faster, then
- Read 2-3 Poems and relevant comprehension questions
- Same for Passages and Rapid Readers
- Last 2-3 Years Essays topics Find relevant Information from Internet
- Basic 10th Std. Grammar
If you have some time, buy Navneet 21 set and go through it once. You can study for just 5-6 hours a day before the exam and still manage to score above 70+ as it is a very scoring subject.
Oh by the way, if you have any questions or inputs, feel free to use the comment box below and talk to us !
Paper overview
Subject : English
Marks : 80 (theory) and 20 (internal)
Passing marks: 35 required including theory and internal
Duration : 3 hours
Can u please let me know some topics of esaay
I’m mentioning some essay topics below. Let me know if they are helpful.
Media and its impact on society
Joining fraternity
Multi-cultural family
Describe a significant interest or experience that has special meaning for you.
What do you plan to do with your college degree?
Moving from house you grew up in
Describe your favorite vacation spot
Global warming
Senior year in high school
How is the degree necessary for the fulfillment of your goals?
Experimenting with drugs
Testing to Improve Educational Standards
Is human cloning is wrong?
Pollution is a consistent demolition of the earth. Agree or disagree
The influence of the Internet: More harm than good or vice versa
School uniform. Good tradition or outdated habit.
Abortion. Another name for murder or a desperate necessity.
Should hunting be outlawed?
What is a text box in tourist leaflet?
Hello Shweta,
You should refer to the tourist leaflet. The text box in the tourist leaflet is a part of the formatting.
Hw many line we havw to write for 2 marks questions n we should attempt for view counter view or another topic n lastly we should attempt report or leaflet
Hello Himanshi,
Just write the meaning and one or two examples for the 2 marks questions.
Try to attempt another topic and go for the leaflet.
Hello Bhavik,
You should refer to the tourist leaflet. The text box in the tourist leaflet is a part of the formatting.
Could you please give me the guidelines for the narration and ‘Add your own’ section of the question paper?
Thank you
Can you please be a little more specific.
from where more marks is deducting in english
can i get 2015 2014 2013 question paper with solution of english
Yes you can. But the question worth a million dollars is How?
Can you give me the list of poems in hsc 11th english,. Please?
Hi…This article is really helpful.thnkx !
give me some information to score full marks in’ Personal Response’ questions.
wat mainly should b d contnt in d leaf let n on mainly which topic it is asked?
Essay etc grammar is asked from the syllabi ie from english text book of prescribed board.
Well…this article helped me ….sir please keep updating if you get more things….so we can get to know what is remaining in our studies….tysm for this guidelines
Suggest some topics of tourist leaflet
nice idea given to me thank u
rapid reding
pls find the latest post of english
what are the types of gerunds ?
Can i be dependend only on this ?
hi prajwal,
u should NOT depend on only this questions. u should learn entire syllabus. use this questions for revision only
please give me important chapters of english hsc 2016
Please tell me about imp grammar topic
Tense, direct and indirect, genurd,change the voice, degree, figure of speech, synthesis etc.
What kind of questions asked in English orals for 12th??
I think so grammar questions related with textbook.
Can you explain figure of speech???
u can also check
Sir chemistry me pass hone ke liye kuch batao
For Paragraph which topic are important