HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
We have also created Free Mock Test of MCQ- Multi Choice Question for students to help them prepare for the exam like scenario.
After the tremendous success of our last year Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2016, we have also created a list of Most Important Questions Bank for Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2017 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.

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Hi, we’re trying to collate and gather the data and would be updating it here a few days before the exam. Please keep on visiting our website for updates.
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Economics Important Question Bank 2017
Q1. What is Monopoly? Describe the features of Monopoly
Q2. There are no exceptions to the Law of Demand.
Q3. Macro-economics is different form Micro-economics.
Q4. What is Price elasticity of demand? Explain the different types of Price elasticity of demand.
Q5. What is perfect competition? State the price determination under perfect competition.
Q6. The law of diminishing marginal utility could be explaining with example and diagram.
Q7. State law of supply with assumptions.
Q8. What are the effects of population on consumption expenditure?
Q9. Explain the features of macro economics
Q10. Explain qualitative (Selective) methods of credit control by the Central Bank
Q11. What is meant by perfect completions? State its features.
Q12. Explain the relationship between Marginal utility and Total utility with diagram.
Q13. Explain the law of demand. State its assumptions.
Q14. Explain any ‘two methods’ of measuring price elasticity of demand
Q15. What is ‘consumption function’? Explain the subjective factors which determine consumption Function.
Q16. State the features of Capital
Q17. State the features of labor.
Q18. What is metallic money?
Q19. Explain the functions of Central Bank
Q20. Explain the definitions of Money
- Macro economics and Micro economics.
- Demand Curve and Supply Curve
- Land and Capital
- Marginal utility and Total utility
- Income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand
- Individual problem and National problem,
- Stock and Supply.
- Income and Saving
- Current deposit and Recurring deposit.
- Surplus budget and balanced budget
- Man-made factors and Natural factors
- Direct tax and indirect tax
- Convertible paper money and in convertible paper money
- Total income method and total expenditure method
- Import and Export
- Natural Monopoly and Legal Monopoly.
- Output method and expenditure method
- Increase in supply and decrease in supply
- Partial equilibrium and General equilibrium
- Standard coins and token coins
- Determinants of aggregate supply
- Secondary functions of money
- Overdraft facility
- Bank rate
- Propensity to consume
- Primary functions of money
- Features of Micro economics
- Objective factors of saving function
- Qualities of an Entrepreneur
- Micro economics
- Revenue expenditures
- Components of Government budget
- Types of Monopoly
- Microscopic study
- Historical review of micro economics
- Risk and uncertainty bearing function of an entrepreneur
- Features of land
- Primary function of commercial bank
- Revenue expenditures
- Saving function
Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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Maharashtra HSC Board Exam – Important Question Bank 2017
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sir,on what basis u gave marks options
1.good handwritting
2.good presentation
3.answer language
4.such big answers writting
I am not getting the q
i am not getting the question