HSC Board – Role of a Secretary in Capital Formation, Distinguish between Primary Market  & Secondary Market – Point of Discussion – HSC Board– Easy way to learn and memorized – class 12th – S.P – Notes of role of secretary in capital formation – Difference between Primary market and secondary market  , point of discussion –  primary market and secondary market of Shares  –  Role of a Secretary in Capital Formation  – Secretarial Practice – Notes,  & Distinguish Between – according to the New Textbook for HSC Board – Difference between, Study material, studies notes, study notes.

Sr. NoDiscussionPrimary MarketSecondary Market
1.MeaningThe market is utilized for raising fresh capital in the form of shares and debentures.It is a market where existing securities are resold or traded.
2.FunctionThe function is to raise long term funds through fresh issue of securities.The function is to provide continuous and ready market for existing long term securities.
3.ParticipantsThe participants are financial institutions, mutual fund, under writer, individual investorThe participants of primary market as well as the stock brokers and the members of the stock exchange are the participants.
4.ListingListing is not requiredOnly listed securities can be dealt in the secondary market.
5.Determinants of PricesThe prices are determined by the management of the corporate houses with due compliance with the SEBI requirements for new issue of securities.In case of secondary market the prices are determined by forces of demand and supply in the market and they keep on fluctuating.

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