Chemistry – Important Question Bank for Tamil Nadu HSC 2016 Examination
We had mentioned some tips for cracking the HSC Tamil Nadu exam here: HSC Study Tips to Crack HSC Exams.
We had also shared Important Questions Bank for HSC Examination 2016 and students have really appreciated it and showered us with love last year.
Today, we are posting the Chemistry– Important Questions Bank for Tamil Nadu HSC 2016 Examination to make life easy for all you HSC students.
Without making you wait any further, please find the questions below:
- Explain the structure of fructose.
- Explain the structure of Glucose
- Differentiate between Enantiomer and Diastereomer
- What are superconductors? Mention their uses.
- Explain the nature of glass.
- Write briefly on antibiotics. In what way antispasmodics are helpful?
- Explain the mechanism of Aldol condensation.
- lanthanide contraction.
- Write the evidences of Arrhenius theory of Electrolytic dissociation.
- Write notes on IUPAC conventions of representation of a cell.
- State the various statements of second law of thermodynamics.
- Derive the expressions for Kc and Kp for the decomposition of PCl5.
- Explain the Pauling scale for the determination of electronegativity. Give the disadvantages of Pauling scale.
- Define hybridization.
- Write briefly the adsorption theory of catalysis.
- What is the action of heat on silver nitrate?
- Give Kelvin statement of second law of thermodynamics.
- Write about the preparation of colloids by chemical methods.
- Define half life period.
- What is first order reaction.
- What are emulsions? Give two examples.
- Explain any five terms in cell terminology.
- Distinguish racemic mixture from mesoform.
- How is terylene prepared from glycol?
- Explain Dow’s process.
- Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.
- How does acetone reacts with chloroform in the presence of KOH?
- Give three examples for opposing reactions.
- What is electrophoresis?
- State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.
- Mesotartaric acid is an optically inactive compound with asymmetric carbon atoms. Justify your answer.
- What is ‘Glycerose’? How is it prepared from glycerol
- How will you convert phenol to phenolphthalein?
- What is the action of heat on copper sulphate crystals?
- Write a short note on antacids.
- What is Tyndall effect?
- Explain Bragg’s spectrometer method.
- How are the following conversions carried out (i) Lactic acid to pyruvic acid (ii) Oxalic acid to oxamide (iii) Methyl acetate to ethyl acetate
- how does fluorine differ from other halogens?
- Give the postulates of Valence bond theory of Coordination compounds.
- Differentiate chemical reactions from nuclear reactions.
- Explain Ostwald’s theory of indicators.
- Discuss the relation between free energy and EMF.
- Explain Schottky defect and Frenkel defect.
- Explain co-ordination and ionisation isomerism with suitable examples.
- Distinguish between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary amines.
- How is benzoic acid prepared from: (i) Toluene (ii) Phenyl cyanide (iii) Carbon dioxide
- Describe the factors influencing the ionization energy.
- Explain Quinonoid theory of indicators.
- Write the characteristics of ionic crystals
- How can you determine the charge of the sol particles?
- PART IV : Last Question i.e Question number 70 is compulsory consisting of problems carrying 10 marks (either or type)
70 (a) Organic Problem – 5 marks
(b) Inorganic Problem – 5 marks
(c) Organic Problem – 5 marks
(d) Physical Problem – 5 marks
- Question number 64 and 65 – Inorganic
- Question number 66 and 67 – Physical
- Question number 68 and 69 – Organic
- answer any three from question number 64-69
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Don’t forget to read: MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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