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Please use the comments box below and post questions that you think are important from your analysis. It would help the HSC community a lot.
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1.a) For which group identification Tollens test is used. Give chemical equation?
b) Give one difference between Clemmensen reduction & Wolff Kishner reduction?
c) Explain aldol reaction with chemical equation?
d) Draw orbital diagram for the formation of carbonyl group?
2. a) Give resonating structure of carboxylic group?
b) Give chemical reaction to obtain the following.
i) Carboxylic acid from Grignard reagent.
ii) Benzoic acid from ethyl benzoate.
iii) Benzamide from benzoic acid.
c) Give resonating structures of propenoic acid?
d) How will you distinguish aldehyde, ketone & carboxylic acid
3. a) Write a chemical equation to prepare ammonia from ammonium chloride?
b) Write a chemical equation to identify Cu+2 & Ag+ ions with the application of NH3 ?
c) Draw a labeled diagram showing flowchart for the manufacture of ammonia?
4. a) Write the chemical equation to prepare sulphur dioxide from industrial method?
b) What happens when SO2 is pass through water?
c) Write reaction showing reducing property of sulphur dioxide?
d) Draw a labeled diagram showing ring structure of rhombic sulphur?
5. a) What are the factors which effect the rate of a chemical reaction?
b) Derive the rate constant formula for zero order reaction?
c) Draw a diagram showing effect of catalyst on activation energy.
6. a) What is pseudo first order reaction? Inversion of cane sugar is which type of reaction. Write it’s chemical reaction?
b) Calculate the half life of the first order reaction whose rate constant is 5×10–14 s–1.
c) Plot a graph between ln K & 1/T on the basis of Arrhenius equation
7. a) What tranquilizers? Write the name of any mild tranquilizer?
b) How food preservatives works. Give an example of food preservative?
c) Why do soaps not work in hard water?
8. a) How drugs can be classified according to different criteria. Write the name of each?
b) How antihistamines works? Give an example of any antihistamine?
c) Write the structural formula of any sleep producing barbiturate?
9. a) What are monosaccharides? Write the definition?
b) i) Name the products yields from the complete hydrolysis of DNA? ii) Write the structural formula of sugar moiety in DNA & RNA?
c) Write the name of method related with DNA to identify the dead body in any accident?
10. a) What do you mean by ammonolysis of alkyl halides give chemical reaction?
b) Write that reaction which is used for following.
i) Ascent of amine series.
ii) To synthesis amine containing one carbon less than that of in the amide.
11. Explain why hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic ring is more acidic than the one in which hydroxyl group is attached to an alkyl group?
12. Explain why aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions?
13. Explain SN1 reaction with appropriate example.
14. What is Saytzeff (Zaitsev) rule? Explain elimination reaction in 2-bromopentane.
15. Explain the violet colour of [Ti(H2 O)6 ] 3+ complex on basis of the crystal field theory?
16. Classify the following into homoleptic & heteroleptic complexes?
i) K4 [Fe(CN)6 ]
ii) [Co(NH3 )5 (CO3 )]Cl
iii) K2 [Zn(OH)4 ]
iv) [Pt(NH3 )2 Cl(NO2 )]
17. Explain colour & complex formation tendency of transition metal ions?
18. Explain adsorption from solution phase? Write Freundlich equation related to it?
19. The conductivity of 0.001 mol L–1 acetic acid is 5×10–5 s cm–1. Calculate it’s dissociation constant if λ˚m for acetic acid is 250 s cm2 mol-1?
20. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.15 mol L–1 NaCl solution is 50 Ω. If resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.02 mol L–1 NaCl solution is 500 Ω calculate the conductivity of 0.02 mol L–1 NaCl solution. (The conductivity of 0.15 mol L–1 NaCl solution is 1.5 s/m).
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.