HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
After the tremendous success of our last year Important Question Bank for Karnataka 12th std PUC HSC Board Exam 2016 and Important Question Bank for Karnataka Intermediate II PUC (HSC) Board Exam 2017 we have also created a list of Most Important Question Bank for Karnataka Intermediate II PUC (HSC) Board Exam 2018 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.
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1. What is the effect of increase in temperature on the solubility of gas in a liquid?
2. Define osmotic pressure .
3. Mention the concentration of H+ ions in the solution used in SHE .
4. From the following plot, predict the order of the reaction.
5. 2SO2(g)+O2(g) 2SO3(g). Is this reaction an example for Homogenous or Heterogeneous catalysis.
6. Name the depressant used in separation of ZnS from PbS by froth floatation process.
7. Which noble gas does not occur in nature?
8. R-X + NaI R-I + NaX. This reaction is known as
9. Give reason: Acetic acid is soluble in water.
10. Among the following which is a fat soluble vitamin:- Vitamin-B12, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D.
11. Give two differences between p-type n-type semiconductors.
12. What is limiting molar conductivity? Represent graphically the variation in molar conductivity with concentration for acetic acid
13. Rate constant of a first order reaction is 6.93X10-3 min-1. Calculate the half-life period.
14. i) What is actinide contraction?
ii) Which is the common oxidation state exhibited by actinides?
15. How do you prepare diethyl ether by dehydration of ethanol?
16. How do you convert benzamide to benzoic acid?
17. Give one example each for i) Tranquilizer ii) Antiseptic.
18. What is saponification with an example.
19. What are antacids? Give an example.
20. What are food preservatives? Give one example.
21. How copper is refined by electrolytic method.
22. i) Write the structure mention basicity of hypo phosphorous acid.
ii) Which gas is liberated when zinc reacts with dil HNO3?
23. Draw the flow chart for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by Contact process. Name the catalyst used in the process.
24. i)Give any two reasons for the anomalous behaviour of fluorine
ii)Give one example of interhalogen compounds
25. What are interstitial compounds? Write any two characteristics of interstitial compounds
26. i) Write the two chemical equations to show the inter conversion of chromates Dichromates in aqueous solution
ii)Complete the equation : 5C2O4
+ 2MnO4
+ 16H+ 1
27. With the help of valence bond theory account for the geometry magnetic property of [Co(NH3)6] 3+
28. i)What is an ambidentate ligand? Name the type of structural isomerism that arises in the co-ordination compound containing such a ligand
ii) Give the IUPAC name of K2[Zn(OH)4]
29. a) Calculate the packing efficiency in a CCP crystal lattice
b) What is the number of particles per unit cell of a simple cube.
30. a) Calculate the osmatic pressure of 0.05% urea solution in water at 200c.
Given R =0.0821Latm mol-1 K-1 . Molar mass of urea = 60g mol-1
b) Give two general characteristics of an ideal solution of two liquids
30. a. How is phenol manufactured by cumene process. Give the chemical equation for the Reaction involved.
b. How do you prepare ethanol by using the Grignard reagent?
31. a. Explain how is Hinberg’s reagent is used to distinguish the primary, secondary and tertiary Amines.
b. Write the chemical reaction involved in the conversion of aniline into phenol
32. a. What are carbohydrates ? and how they classified?
b. What is a peptide bond? How many peptide bonds are present in a tetra peptide?
33. a) Mention two applications of adsorption
b) What are emulsions? Give an example for O/W emulsion
c) What is the cause for Brownian movement?
34.a) Calculate the packing efficiency in body centered cubic crystals
b) Calculate the number of particles per unit cells f.c.c.
35.a) Mention two characteristics of enzyme catalysis
b) What is the sign of ∆S for the adsorption of gas on solids?
36. a) Explain SN2 mechanism with an example
b) Name the product formed when chloromethane reacts with (i)aqueous KOH
c) Give an example of polyhalogen compound
37. a) Explain esterification reaction between acetic acid ethyl alcohol as example
b) Boiling point of alcohol is greater than the boiling point of hydrocarbons of comparable molar masses, Why?
c) What is the effect of –NO2 group on the acidic strength of phenol? Give reason
38. a) Explain Etard reaction
b) Name the products A B in the following reaction 2CH3CHO
c) Name the reagent used in the decarboxyaltion of carboxylic acid
39. a) How do you convert benzene diazonium chloride into chlorobenzene. Name the reaction
b)Explain Hoffmann Bromamide reaction with an example
40. a) Write the Haworth structure of maltose
b) What are hormones? Give one biological function of insulin
c) What are nucleosides?
41. a) Name the monomers of Nylon-6,6
b) How is Neoprene prepared? Give equation
c) Give an example for thermoplastic polymer.
42. a. Explain SN 1 mechanism by taking tertiary butyl bromide as an example
b. What is Wurtz Fitting’s reaction? Give an example.
43. a. i)what are condensation polymers? Give an example.
ii)Give IUPAC name of the monomer of natural rubber.
b. What are Biodegradable polymers? Give an example.
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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