CBSE Board – Improvement Exam & Application Form 2017 

CBSE Improvement Exam 2017:  Online Procedure and Guideline 

Those candidate who fail/ or not happy with their marks in board exam 2016, can apply for Improvement exams 2017. CBSE Improvement Exam can be taken in one or more subjects in the succeeding year only after passing the subject in Class XII.

The examination would take place in March.

Details for CBSE Improvement Exam:

  • The application forms for Improvement examination will be available form official website.
  • Each form will cost Rs.10.
  • The fees per subject to be submitted is Rs.200 (may change).
  • Candidates will be issued only Statement of Marks reflecting the marks of the improvement examination.

Online procedure for CBSE Improvement Exam 2017:

  1. Visit this website URL: Main Page 
  2. Enter your 2017 CBSE roll number in the first text box.
  3. Enter your 5 digit school number in the second text box where it asks your 5 digit school number In case you appeared as a private candidate and don’t have a school number then you have to enter 99999).: Additional Subject
  4. Enter your examination center number, please refer to your 2017 CBSE admit card for this.
  5. Click on proceed and fill up your details and make the payment online or through E-Challan from the respective Bank.
  6. To upload your scanned color photo and scanned copy of bank challan, : Challan 
  7. To make payment, Fees Payment
  8. Note down your “Application Number” and “Roll Number”
  9. Follow the instructions on the “Confirmation Page”. If you missed the confirmation page then you can visit it again by logging in to Confirmation Pate”.
  10. To check the fees status : Fees Status


If your application status is not updated but amount is being debited from your account, then DO NOT TRY PAYING FEE AGAIN. You are also advised to not to change the payment mode if fee is already debited from your account.

Please contact your bank for transaction details and send an email to REGIONAL OFFICE concerned for updation of the application fee status along with application details viz Application no., Roll No., Name of Candidate, Subject(s) Applied, fee amount. Also send the transaction details received from the bank concerned. Please mention “Payment status not updated – your application number” in the subject line of the email to resolve it faster.

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