Business Administration – Important Questions Bank for Goa Board HSSC 2016 Examination.
We had mentioned some tips for cracking the HSSC Goa Board exam here: HSC Study Tips to Crack HSC Exams.
We had also shared Important Questions Bank for HSSC Examination 2016 and students have really appreciated it and showered us with love last year.
Today, we are posting the Business Administration – Important Questions Bank for Goa Board HSSC 2016 Examination to make life easy for all you HSSC students.
Without making you wait any further, please find the questions below:
Q.No.1. A. Answer in a sentence:-
- State any two external sources of recruitment.
B. Answer in a sentence:-
- What is Human Resource Management?
C. Explain any three steps considered in scientific selection of employee.
D. State and explain the need of consultancy services in India.
Q.NO.2.A. Answer in a sentence:-
- What is Public Finance?
B. Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentence:-
- The process of searching for and obtaining application for job from among whom the right people can be selected is —-
i. Promotion
ii. Retirement.
iii. Recruitment.
iv. Absenteeism.
C. Explain any three characteristics of Human Resource Management.
D. Explain any five sources of information in government agencies.
E. Explain five points to be considered while planning a tour.
Q.NO. 3. Answer in a sentence.
- What is e-commerce.?
B. Answer in a sentence:
- What is Advertising?
C. State and explain any three strategies for e-Governance in India.
D. Explain any five principles of price fixing of a product.
E. How will you eliminate the risk involved in Sales business?
Q.NO.4.A. Answer in a word or a phrase:-
- A permanent separation of a worker from work.
B:-State any two objectives of Store-Keeping.
C. Explain any two principles of Public Expenditure.
D. State any two e-Governance services of Directorate of animal Husbandry and Veterinary services given by government of Goa.
E. State and explain any three features of e-commerce.
Q.NO.5.A. Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentence:-
- The process of distribution of goods from producers to ultimate users is Called —
i. Production Management.
ii. Personnel Management.
iii. Marketing Management.
iv. Sales Management
B. State and explain any two broad classification of Tour Operator according to their functions.
C. Explain in short Government to Government model. ( G to G )
D. State the e-Governance services available under Directorate of Agriculture in Goa
E. Explain any three determinants of Supply.
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Don’t forget to read: MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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