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Hi, we’re trying to collate and gather the data and would be updating it here a few days before the exam. Please keep on visiting our website for updates.
Please use the comments box below and post questions that you think are important from your analysis. It would help the HSC community a lot.
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1. (a) Why are engineered vectors preferred by biotechnologists for transferring the desired genes into another organism?
(b) Explain how do “ori”, “selectable markers” and “cloning sites” facilities cloning into a vector.
2. Describe the process of decomposition.
3. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of a mature embryo sac of an angiosperm.
(b) Why does a pollen grain possess two male gametes? Explain.
4. Explain Anaerobic respiration in plant cell and animal cell.
5. Inheritance pattern of flower colour in garden pea plant and snap dragon differs. Why is the difference observed? Explain showing the crosses
6. Draw the diagram showing blood circulation path in heart and describe blood circulation through heart
7. (a) Explain the observations of Meselson and Stahl when
(i) they cultured E. coli in a medium containing 15NH4Cl for a few generations and centrifuged the content.
(ii) they transferred one such bacterium to the normal medium of NH4Cl.
8. Describe the types of regeneration.
9. What is Endoscopy ? Describe methodology and usefulness of endoscopy.
10. What does the above experiment prove?
11.Describe capsella type of embryo development with a diagram.
12. Which is the first genetic material identified?
13. Describe Anthropogenic Extinction.
14. Draw and complete the following model of carbon filling a, b, c, d, e and f.
15. Who proposed chromosomal theory of inheritance? Point out any two similarities in the behavior of chromosomes and genes
16. Describe the digestion of food in cockroach.
17. What do these pictures ‘a’ and ‘b’ illustrate with reference to evolution? Explain
18. What is nastism Explain nastism in plants.
19. In one family each of the four children has a different blood group. Their mother os group A and the father is group B. Explain this pattern of inheritance with the help of a cross along with the genotypes.
20. Describe the effects of testosterone. (Any six points)
21. (a) Name the virus that causes AIDS in humans.
(b) Explain the sequence of events that follows when this virus attacks to cause immune deficiency in humans.
22. Describe : Hormones of adrenal cortex.
23. Why is predation required in a community of different organisms?
24. Describe O2 transport through blood.
25. (a) Identify the polarity from a to a’ in the above diagram and mention how many more amino acids are expected to be added to this polypeptide chain.
(b) Mention the DNA sequence coding for serine and the anticodon of tRNA for the amino acid.
(c) Why are some untranslated sequence of bases seen in mRNA coding for a polypeptide? Where exactly are present on mRNA?
26. Explain : Soil profile.
27. a) What is EcoRI? What does ‘R’ represent in this?
(b) Give the palindromic nucleotide sequence recognised by it.
(c) Explain its action.
28. On the basis of penetration of light, describe the various zones of lake.
29. A particular species of wild cat is endangered . In order to save them from extiction, which is a desirable approach in situ or ex situ?
Justify your answer and explain the difference between the two approaches.
30. which region of chloroplast the photo chemical phase takes place Explain photolysis of Water.
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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