HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
After the tremendous success of our last year Important Question Bank for Jharkhand class 12 (JAC) HSC Board Exam 2016 and 2017 we have also created a list of Most Important Question Bank for Jharkhand class 12 Inter (HSC) Board Exam 2018 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.

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Please use the comments box below and post questions that you think are important from your analysis. It would help the HSC community a lot.
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1. A solution is obtained by mixing 300g of 25% solution and 400 g of 40 % solution by mass. Calculate the mass percent of resulting solution.
2. The rate equation for the reaction 2 + → 2 F is r = K [] [] Describe this reaction in different steps.
3. What do you mean by oxidation – reduction potential or redox potential ? Explain with example.
4. Phosphorus doped with silicon is a semi conductor. Explain
5. State and explain Henry’s law
6. Activation energy for a reaction is zero. If the rate constant is 1.6 × at 280 K, Find out the rate constant at 300 K.
7. Give the units of specific conductance, cell – constant, molar conductance.
8. What do you mean by Molarity ? How it is affected by Temperature ?
9. Write the IUPAC name of [Co] ?
10. Explain the followings: (i) Nitrogen is more electronegative than P, why ? (ii) Argon is an inert
gaseous element, why ?
11. State and explain Tyndall effect.
12. Differentiate between Homoleptic and Hetero Leptic Complexes.
13. How can the following conversion be carried out (a) Ethyl chloride to propanoic acid. (b)Chlorobenzene to p-nitrophenol
14. (a) Which of the following two compounds would react faster by SN2 pathway 1-bromobutane or 2-bromobutane and why ?
15. Why Chloroform is kept in dark coloured bottle ? give reaction
16. What are enzymes ? suggest some common properties of enzymes ?
17. State and explain Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
18. (a) What is Rhombic and Monoclinic Sulphur. (b) Give the principle for the manufacturing of sulphuric acid in industry. (c) What happens when H2SO4 reacts with carbon. (d) What happens when conc. H2SO4 reacts with Nacl.
19. a. Draw the diagram of Splitting of d orbital’s in an octahedral Crystal field. b. Write the 2 main points of crystal field theory.
20. What happen when (a) Chlorobenzene is heated with acetyl chloride in presence of anhydrous Alcl3
21. Mention the main points of VBT.
22. (a) Give the simians’ process for the preparation of Ozone (O3).
(b) What happens when:
(i) Ozone reacts with lead sulphide (PbS).
(ii) Hydrochloric acid (HCl).
(iii) Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4).
23. Explain the following terms with examples- 1. Alcosol 2. Aeroso 3. Hydrosol 4. Micelle 5.Sols
24. Diazotization
25. Write the formula of a compound where transition metal is in +7 oxidation state ?
26. What is diff b/w ore & mineral ?
27. What is halogenations ? Give the halogenations of Acetophenone.
28. What is Power alcohol ?
29. Write down the structure of m-eresol and p-eresol.
30. Define co-ordination compound with examples ?
31. Explain/Describe the reactions taking place in Extraction of Copper ?
32. How alcohol is prepared from can sugar juice ?
33. Out of V and Mn which element exhibits more number of oxidation states and why ?
34. Describe the method chromatography ?
35. Why ether is kept in dark bottle filled up to the neck
36. Write down the structural formula of the following compound a) 3 – chloromethyl – 2 –isopropyl pentan – 1 – ol
b) 2, 5 – Dimethylhexaul – 1, 4 – diol
c) 3 – Bromo cyclohexanol
d) Hex – 1 – en – 3 – Dl
e) 2 – Bromo – 3 – methyl lint – 2 – cn – 1 – ol
37. What is natural rubber
38. Give one example of natural polymer.
39. The two strands to DNA are not identical but are complementary. Explain.
40. Distinguish between methyl amine and ethyl amine.
41. What are biodegradable and Non-biodegradable detergents ? Give one example of each.
42.What do you understand by order of reaction ? Give example
43.When one faraday of electric current is passed, the mass deposited is equal to
a) One gram equivalent
b) one gram mole
c) electro chemical equivalent
d) half gram equivalent
44.What is standard electrode potential ?
45.What is constant Boiling mixture ? Give example.
46.Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (Molar mass = 40) which should be dissolved in 114g octane to reduce the vapour pressure to 80 %.
47.What is the distance between Na+ and in NaCl. Crystal if the density is 2.165 ? Nacl crystallizes in fcc lattic.
48.Show that the time required for completion of 99% of reaction is double the time taken for completion of 90% of the reaction.
49.Addition of 0.643g of a compound to 50ml of benzene (density = 0.879 ) lowers the freezing point
from c to c. if Kf for benzene is 5.12 , calculate the mol.mass of the compound.
50.Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid at 298 k, given that
Am (CH3COOH) = 11.7 S
Am (CH3COO- ) = 40.9 S
Am (H+ ) = 349.1 S
51. Iron has a body centred cubic unit cell with the cell dimension of 286.65 pm. Density of iron is 7.87 g cm-3. Use this information to calculate Avogadro’s number. (Atomic mass of Fe = 56.0 u)
Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
Best of luck for your exams. Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.
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