HSC Board Exams are fast approaching and students are getting anxious about how to prepare for their HSC Board Exams. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams.
After the tremendous success of our last year Important Question Bank for Madhya Pradesh HSSC (HSC) Board Exam 2016 and Important Question Bank for Madhya Pradesh HSSC 12th (HSC) Board Exam 2017 we have also created a list of Most Important Question Bank for Madhya Pradesh HSSC 12th (HSC) Board Exam 2018 which are likely to appear in HSC Board Exams this year.

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1. Give de-Broglie’s equation. 0020What is its significance?
2. What are anesthetics? Give example?
3. Write short note on Perkin reaction and Canizzaro reaction?
4. Write the following reaction:
a. Iodoform reaction
b. Fittig reaction
c. Carbylamine reaction
d. Frankland reaction
5. Explain chemical reaction of the following:
a. Rosenmund reduction
b. Gatterman aldehyde synthesis
c. Wurtz reaction
6. What are transition elements? Write any four characteristics properties of transition metals?
7. Explain:
a. Transition elements show variable valencies? Why ?
b. Transition elements form coloured ion? Why?
c. Transition metals are good catalyst? Why?
d. Transitional metals exihibit variable valencies? Why?
8. Explain corrosion on the basis of following points:
a. Definition
b. Factors affecting
c. Prevention of corrosion
9. What is Kohlrausch’s law? Explain applications of it?
10. Write difference between phenol and alcohol?
11. Write short notes on:
a. Charak
b. Sushruta
12. Write short notes on:
a. Takshshilla university
b. Nalanda university
13. Explain following:
a. Analgesic
b. Antipyretics
c. Anti-fertility drugs
d. Disinfectants
14. Explain Reimer-Tiemann reaction and Lucas reagent?
15. Differentiate between alcohol and phenol?
16. Phenols are more acidic than alchols? Why?
17. Differentiate between Primary, Secondary and tertiary alcohol by Victor Meyer’s method?
18. What is half life period of a reaction? Calculate half-life period of a first order reaction?
19. Write difference between molecularity and order of reaction?
20. Write the IUPAC names of the following:
21. Give the names of active ingredients and their one uses of the following medical plant:
a. Amla
b. Haldi
c. Tulsi
22. What do you mean by lanthanides? Write any six differences between lanthanides and actinides?
23. Explain following:
a. Gold number
b. Peptization
c. Emulsion
24. Why are the noble gases are chemically inert?
25. Write difference between D.N.A and R.N.A?
26. Explain the following:
a. Tranquilizers
b. Analgesics
27. What is Rault’s law? Write any four differences between ideal and non ideal solutions?
28. Write any six difference between d and f block elements?
29. Define the following :
a. Molality
b. Molarity
Also determine the molarity of a solution of 4.0 gram per litre concentration of NaOH?
30. Explain the following :
a. Normality
b. Molality
c. Ppm
d. Molarity
e. Henry’s law
31. What do you mean by enzymes? Write any two names of enzymes and their functions?
32. Write differences between rate of reaction and rate constant?
33. Draw labelled diagram of blast furnance used in metallurgy of iron? Write chemical reaction occurring in every zone?
34. How will you obtain the following:
a. Acetaldehyde from acetyl chloride
b. Acetone from calcium acetate
c. Formic acid from acetic acid
d. Ethane from acetic acid
e. Acetic acid from ethyl acetate
35. Write functions and sources of the following biomolecules/ elements:
a. Proteins
b. Carbohydrates
c. Fat
d. Calcium
36. What are vitamins? Write name of vitamins whose deficiency causes following diseases:
a. Anaemia
b. Rickets
c. Night-blindness
d. Non-clotting of blood
e. Scurvy
37. Write functions and sources of the following vitamins:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin E
e. Vitamin K
38. Describe Brodie’s ozonizer with diagram?
39. Give reasons why:
a. Noble gases are inactive.
b. Halogens are strong oxidizing agents.
40. Give the method for the preparation of Freon its properties and uses?
41. How will you obtain the following compounds from Phenol (with equation):
a. 2,4,6 –tri –bromo –phenol
b. Picric acid
c. Para-cresol
d. Benzene
42. Write chemical formula and uses of the following:
a. Lunar caustic
b. Calomel
c. Haematite
d. Bauxite
e. Brass
f. Bronze
43. Write names of artificial sweetners and their uses?
44. Describe Barkeley and Hartley’s process with figure for the determination of the osmotic pressure?
45. What is electro-chemical cell? Explain its working process giving an example of Danier cell?
46. Belaching is permanent by Cl 2 while temporary by SO 2 ? Why?
47. What do you mean by depression in freezing point? A solution is prepared by dissolving 1 gm NaCl in 100 gms of water. Calculate degree of dissociation of NaCl, while K f of water is 1.85 Kkgmol -1 . Depression of freezing point of NaCl is 0.604 K?
48. Explain:
a. Frankel defect
b. Lattice defect
c. Impurity defect
d. Schottky defect
49. Compare the properties of red and white phosphorus?
50. Xenon is a noble gas, but it also forms compounds why? Give the structure of any two compounds?
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Don’t forget to read : MUST REMEMBER THINGS on the day of Exam for HSC Students
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